Our online tools make it incredibly quick and easy to estimate the cost of a project, place an order.
We make it easy to access everything you need at the push of a button via your secure private portal. It gives you easy secure access to everything you need including:
Quote and order tools
Workflow including order tables, delivery plan and site records
Issues raising and tracking
Our customised online quote and order tool makes it quick and easy to get a quote and place an order in minutes. No more waiting days for a quote.
Log in securely and tell us who you are.
Choose what you need done, where and how you want to pay.
Select the number of meters required by type or other services as needed.
Get your estimate.
When happy, tell us as much as you can about the about the site.
Review and confirm the order. You will get a confirmation and unique order reference number.
We provide real time access to every step of the workflow from order to install and regular alerts to advise of key milestones along the way.
Our cloud based workflow system gives you total transparency and visibility of every step from order to install. Everyone is connected and collaborating across the journey.
You can view your orders, lodge installation instructions and see detailed delivery plans in the system any time.
As soon as you place an order it loads into the order table in the workflow system and we get alerted. We will quickly check it, follow up on any information gaps and confirm acceptance.
If you want the project delivered in stages, simply instruct us at each stage via our quick and easy installation instruction form. If the order is for delivery all at once, this is not required.
Detailed work instructions are created for every order or staged installation instruction and we carefully plan each project before we schedule techs in. We work with the project managers, RECs and Building Managers to agree the plan.

You can view and download your site records at the push of button 24/7.
We check the records carefully to ensure accuracy, completeness and timely submission. The quality of the data going in will determine the quality of the data going out. This is usually done by close of business on day we receive the records from the field.
After checking the records, we update your site record database with all the relevant information.
You can view your site records, download and share them as required at the push of a button.
Views and content highly customizable and we can make changes in minutes without IT change requests.
You can group, sort and filter to see the records in the way that suits you.